My name is Laura, and I’m thrilled to welcome you to the 2021 HOBY Canada year. We have begun to plan for the year ahead and look forward to including you in the many different initiatives and events.
As a 2010 HOBY Alum, I have spent the last ten years involved in every level of our national organization. From the Western Ontario Alumni Association Executive to Junior Staff at 3-Days and CLeWs, to the Western Ontario Committee, and most recently, the HOBY Canada Board of Directors, I have continued to grow in my love and admiration for the organization and the alumni we serve. I am honoured to be your President this year, and I look forward to providing you with more opportunities to connect with other alumni and grow in your leadership journeys.
This year, more than any other year has reminded us of the importance of resilience and community, two things HOBY has taught me from the very beginning. With that in mind, we use those themes to kick off our year as “Agents of Change.” All of our HOBY Programs this year will be focused on building resiliency and community. Each program will allow us to dive deeper into what it means to be an agent of change in our communities and the ever-changing world around us. As alumni, we encourage you to come along with us on this adventure.
There will be several ways to get involved in countless different initiatives, including joining our
Diversity and Inclusion Task Force meetings, attending RAE Volunteer Initiatives, joining HOBY Canada committees, participating in HOBY Net and many others. We hope you find something that meets you where you are on your leadership journey and fills up your HOBY bucket.
I’m looking forward to an outstanding year as our organization continues to grow in ways we could never have imagined. I’m thankful to work with such exceptional people who are so committed to sharing their love for HOBY with the world. I hope I get to connect with each of you at some point this year to learn more about you and how you’re being your own agent of change. Please don’t hesitate to reach out either through social media or email (laura@hobycanada.org) if there is ever anything I can do for you!
Thank you for your continued support of HOBY Canada, and I hope you have a great year to come.
HOBY Hugs,
Laura Daniel